Travelling Well
As Easter has just passed, many took the opportunity to take some time out and go on a road trip, a plane trip or a staycation. The thing...

The Perfect Squat
From the day we started to walk, the famed squat was in our lives. You may wonder about how much you squat in your everyday life. Think...

Organ meat of a different variety
In honour of my new niece or nephew coming into the world at the end of this month, I thought I might touch on what could be viewed as...

Something Went Wrong Somewhere
As a girl I did Physical Culture which is all about deportment, disciple and maintaining correct posture. Some may say "as we grow...

Harvest to (w)hole plate
Firstly apologies for being MIA the past month. I ventured back into my old life of travel which took up more time than I anticipated BUT...